Welcome association member! Thank you for your interest in Payment Practices. If you are a member of one of the following groups, please scroll down to the new registration form.
If you have already registered with Payment Practices at any time, please do NOT complete the registration form below because you are already in the database. Just click this link to go to the payment page.
New Registrations
Thank you for your interest in Payment Practices. If you have already looked at the public areas of the site and wish to register, please complete the form below. If you are not yet ready to register but just wish to learn more about Payment Practices, please click on any of the links in the top menu to learn how Payment Practices works and how you can benefit from subscribing. When you are ready to register, you must use the link at the group website to come to this page to register. Please do NOT use the standard registration form as you will not be eligible for the 25% discount. To get the discount you must come to THIS page using the link at your group website.
The 7-day trial period ends at midnight of the seventh day after you subscribe so make sure you have sufficient free time to look around the site. Please enter your information below to activate your 7-day free trial access to Payment Practices.
A confirmation (opt-in) email will be sent to the email address(es) provided. Your 7-day free trial period begins immediately after you respond to this opt-in email. If you do not respond to this email, your trial subscription will not be activated and you will not have access.
Your USERNAME is displayed with each response or comment that you post. If you wish some degree of anonymity, please select a username with that in mind.
Invoice information Only the information you provide in your profile will be included in any invoice or sales receipt. If your tax authorities require such documents to include your address, please complete those optional fields. If you want your invoice/receipt in a company name, please check the Maintain account in company name checkbox below. If you need a tax ID, e.g., VAT number, on your invoice/receipt, please email that information to Support(AT) BEFORE you make a payment. For privacy reasons, your tax ID number will NOT be stored in your profile in the subscriber database, but only in the bookkeeping system.
One note about the email address(es) you provide: The primary address will be used for announcements, the daily/weekly call for agency information, and for any other correspondence we may need to send you.
You are encouraged to provide a secondary email address in case the primary fails for some reason. You are also strongly encouraged to provide at least one "real" email address, i.e., not an anonymous web-based email account such as Hotmail, Google, or Yahoo. If your email address fails repeatedly, your account may be deactivated and/or notification options may be changed.
* = Required field
* required
Duplicate username. Try again.
(max 20 chars)
* required
(max 20 chars)
Passwords do not match.
* required
* required
* required
* required
* required
Email and Confirm Email do not match!
  (Strongly encouraged)
* required
Maintain account in company name
US State is required for United States
(if applicable)
* required
(please use international format, e.g. +99 9999 99999))
(optional, please use international format, e.g. +99 9999 99999)
(optional, please use international format)
If you are affiliated with a translation agency or service, please specify below: |
http:// (optional)
Responses to new requests for information are what gives value to this service. Receiving the Daily Call for Information is required during the free trial period.
If you do not subscribe once the free trial is over, you will no longer receive this daily email. Once you subscribe, you are strongly encouraged, but not required, to continue receiving
daily requests for information. Alternatively, you may request to change to a weekly digest (currently sent manually via ConstantContact). If you do not wish to help your fellow freelancers
by providing information, you may request not to receive any notifications. This "never contact me" option applies only to requests for agency information, not to renewal, payment receipts, or notices related to your account.
Allow other registrants to view my contact information?
How did you learn about this web site?
If other, please specify:

Enter the text shown above:
*By registering for this service, I agree to the terms and conditions.
You must agree to the terms and conditions to register for this service.