'Nigerian check' and Other Scams Targeted at Translators/Interpretors

"Nigerian check" and similar scams have long been a problem for the unwary. In recent years, the scam has evolved to target interpreters and translators specifically. The basis scam works like this: A "potential client", sometimes an individual but recently also an "agency", sends a mass email asking about obtaining interpreting/translating services in the target's country. When they get a response, the "client" agrees to normal or even higher than normal fees and wants to make an advance payment for whatever reason. The target then receives a check or money order for the advance payment to deposit in the bank. Shortly thereafter, the client cancels the job and requests the money be refunded, which the uninformed target then does. But the check or money orders subsequently turn out to be forgeries or drawn on closed or non-existent accounts so the target's bank reverses the deposit and the target is out not only the deposit but any funds that he/she refunded to the client.

These scams are often characterized by:

  • Poor English
  • Gmail or other "anonymous" email accounts
  • Higher than market rates offered
  • A lack of verifiable contact data
  • The use of a legitimate translation agency's contact data EXCEPT the email address

Additionally, translators are increasingly subject to "CV/resume identity theft", where someone uses the CV or resume of a legitimate translator in order to obtain work.

To help prevent freelancers from falling prey to these scams, Payment Practices is establishing this list where you can report names and other contact data when you receive an offer you believe to be a scam TARGETED SPECIFICALLY AT TRANSLATORS or INTERPRETERS. (Reporting every suspicious email your receive would quickly overwhelm the database.) Just enter whatever information you have below to add the attempted scam to the list.

PLEASE NOTE: This database is NOT for reporting ACTUAL agencies or LSPs that may not have paid for work. Any such entries made here will be deleted. Please use the actual Payment Practices database to post reports on real LSPs.

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Active Alerts

Company NameCountryContact First NameContact Last NamePrimary EmailSecondary EmailPrimary PhoneSecondary Phone
 New Zealand  psychiatry@cox.net +64-9-353-1404+64-9-355-0355
Knight Hamilton LtdUK  Khamilton-ukltd@gmx.com   
MANAGEMENT SEARCH EXECUTIVE LTD   J.anderson20@gmx.comJob-offer@mseltd.com  
Spanglish Unlimited   spanglishunlimited.hughavera@gmail.com   
 Nigeria  camcameron009363@gmail.com   
Büro für interkulturelles Übersetzen & Vermitteln Angélica NunesSwitzerland  info@angelica-uebersetzung.net   
STAR7   kiana.gabriel@star-7.com   
WordsCupEngland  info@wordscup.com   
Alby Stamey Inc (spoofing Adare Pharma Solutions, a real company)   cstamey@albystameyinc.com   
WhiteGlobeIndia  nilesh.chhetri@whiteglobe.co.in   
 Irelandbishop Kenneth kenneth.parm@yahoo.com   
Compagnie Bancaire de l’Afrique OccidentaleSenegalCentre D'instruction cbao.sn@financier.com   
  Doha experttranslator10@gmail.com   
  Frank frankj92@gmail.com   
Prime Translation Inc. (a "Systran scam") Jenny primetranslation@hotmail.com   
 UKJessica doy_expert@yahoo.com   
  John j17cole@gmail.com   
insignia gestoresSpainLara nisigniagestores@hotmail.com   
Language Metnot specified (suspect Gaza, PA)walaa project3@languagemet.com   
 Macon,GeorgiaRaulAcostamrsadams@monetaryspec.org 678-701-9193+447924007140
monetaryspecUSARaulAcostamrsadams@monetaryspec.org 678-701-9193 

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